Coronavirus: County made hasty choice in Kent as a quarantine city

Coronavirus: County made hasty choice in Kent as a quarantine city

Like many Kent residents, I was blindsided when I heard, late Wednesday afternoon (March 4), of King County’s decision to put the coronavirus (COVID-19) quarantine facility near the center of Kent without a thought to discuss this with the city or residents.

I agree with our mayor’s reservations that this decision was made without regard to the health and safety of the Kent residents. No permits have been issued, No study has been made to support this decision.

A more reasonable location would be to keep the center of outbreak contained and a facility located in Kirkland.

If emergency funds were this easy to attain, then surely another location could be acquired.

As a Kent resident, I am very concerned by the lack of transparency, and respect to our city and residents.

– Brian Kenison

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