Newspaper inspired her artwork

I made a pinky promise to a friend in which I promised to write to this newspaper, and I am finally fulfilling it. It all began a year ago with summer homework assigned in my art class. I was having trouble trouble starting. I had no idea what to paint. It was a creative block.

Kent Reporter reader Jacqueline Argueta found a new use for her old papers -  using them in her artwork.

Kent Reporter reader Jacqueline Argueta found a new use for her old papers - using them in her artwork.

I made a pinky promise to a friend in which I promised to write to this newspaper, and I am finally fulfilling it. It all began a year ago with summer homework assigned in my art class. I was having trouble trouble starting. I had no idea what to paint. It was a creative block.

In my room I had a paper bag full of newspapers that I was to recycle later. I began looking through one of them, the Kent Reporter, and began to get ideas.

It was that slightly faded Kent Reporter newspaper I took and started to cut and work onto my painting. My finished piece was a cubist-like portrait of someone – I really do not know who he may be – it was just what my paintbrushes led me to paint. I added newspaper in the background to outline the city. On the lamppost I took square pieces and made it look as if there were posters on it. I also took different letters from headlines and advertisements and created words on the shirt. I added more newspaper to the shirt to create shadows and slight texture.

I absolutely love how the piece turned out. It has always served as an inspiration to me ever since, especially when I face creative blocks I just take a look at it and my imagination starts to fly. I have titled the piece “Wondering” because of the slight crooked smile on his face and the eyes that just look out into the distance making it appear as if he is wondering. It was in drama class, when I had used the same painting as a prop, that my friend saw it and I made the promise to write to you and give you the story. Enclosed is a picture I took of the painting. Thanks for helping to inspire me and taking the time to read my story.

Jacqueline Argueta


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