As a volunteer president of a local homeowners’ association, I’m voting for Jim Berrios for mayor. This is my personal opinion, not an endorsement by our HOA or members.
Over the past several months our association has had two land use and responsibility problems with Kent. We’ve been before the City Council and talked to the non-elected bureaucracy.
As a councilman, Jim Berrios was the only one who came out, three times, to meet us and see first-hand what the problems looked like. He was a great help to our community. My sense was that he was a little surprised to see how our situation actually looked in person as opposed to reading about it in a staff memo.
I’ve noticed that he might have fewer yard signs than some other candidates. His willingness to get involved speaks louder than yard signs.
Add this helpful attitude to his business ownership experience and Jim Berrios will make an excellent Kent mayor.
– Rick Mauser
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