Local Business

An accident involving a ride-share service can quickly turn into a major headache for everyone.

Ride-share mishaps: What happens if your ride-share gets in an accident?

What to do immediately following a motor-vehicle collision


As the Greater Federal Way Chamber works to create living wage jobs, grow its bottom line and support affordable lifestyles, it’s important to look at the whole picture, then measure what opportunities are within reach, notes Chamber CEO Rebecca Martin.

Economic Development is in the Data

Economic development is one of those terms that lends itself to vagueness—what does it mean really? At the Chamber, it means supporting and promoting business… Continue reading


Carly Willis of Antique Marketplace

Blast from the past: Auburn antique mall unites classic style under one roof

Sometimes what you’re looking for just can’t be found on the store shelf. Sometimes, you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for until you find… Continue reading

