
Shelia Cowart at Longevita Pilates and Yoga Studio with her dog. Photo Courtesy of Shelia Cowart.

Come in for Pilates, Yoga and fitness walk out with a brand new lease on life

Owner of Pilates and Yoga Studio teaches the importance of self-care in a judgment-free zone


Sweaty, mindful, heart-pounding community building

Sweaty, mindful, heart-pounding community building

Covington alum comes home, and builds her favorite fitness studio


Reprioritizing wellness? Explore the options here!

Reprioritizing wellness? Explore the options here!

Issaquah’s one-stop-shop for fitness, health and full-body therapy


Don’t Dread Exercise… Eat The Frog!

Don’t Dread Exercise… Eat The Frog!

Leapfrog to fitness by facing your fears

Don’t Dread Exercise… Eat The Frog!