The Transformation Factory is a company that produces sea moss gel in many forms and flavors. This superfood is linked to many health benefits, including weight loss, thyroid issues, immunity, and pain relief<\/a>.
Sea moss, sometimes referred to as Irish moss, is an incredible superfood. This type of red algae often is used for the carrageenan that is found in it, which is used for thickening ice cream and other dairy products. It can be used raw, but most consumers take it as a gummy, capsule, or gel. With the new opportunity through the Transformation Factor, consumers can check out sea moss in all of these forms from a reliable source.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
Sea Moss Gel from the Transformation Factory<\/a> provides an organic and wildcrafted form of sea moss that comes from water that has no pollution, fertilizer, or pesticide. All of their sea moss comes from sustainable farming that is then prepared in a vegan kitchen that uses alkaline spring water to blend with it to create the gel. The creators then use organic fruit and natural agave to offer a variety of flavors that don’t use any preservatives. Users always receive their orders in a cooling pack to keep the package fresh.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
Some people might already be familiar with this brand of Sea Moss Gel because it was recently featured on a special episode of Shark Tank. The brand even got a $600,000 deal that paired Mark Cuban and special guest Kevin Hart.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
When they were featured, Alexiou showed the Sharks the way that this gel helped him to lose 300 pounds naturally and safely. While other weight loss formulas with big claims like that seem to fall short or be dangerous, they show how the body easily tolerates this natural ingredient.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
Even before Shark Tank, Alexiou began by tracking his journey on Instagram, using the sea moss to create lattes. When he saw interest from companies who wanted to try out his regimen, he knew he had something.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
MUST SEE: Shocking New Sea Moss Gel Featured on Shark Tank! “This May BLOW Your Mind!”<\/a><\/strong>
The reason that sea moss gel works so well is its superfood status, offering all but 10 of the 102 trace minerals that the human body already naturally contains. Most people don’t even have half of these trace minerals in the day. By supporting the body’s nutritional needs, it has the support necessary for weight loss.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
Sea moss is often used as a solution for blood sugar issues, which is why it is helpful to people who struggle with diabetes. It also reduces cholesterol and provides other support for the immune system, which is why it is so beneficial to individuals who want to reduce their risk of heart disease. It offers natural sulfur in large quantities, helping the complexion to increase collagen levels and reduce the appearance of aging.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
Along with the marketing for its weight loss benefits, users can rely on this remedy to reduce the toxins that can trigger inflammation and cause pain.
Users will have to visit the official website<\/a> if they want to try out the Sea Moss Gel for themselves. However, the success that Alexiou has found has allowed him to create multiple types of ways for consumers to get sea moss. Most importantly, there are individual sea moss bottles.
Using the Sea Moss Gel is the best way to get similar weight loss results to what the founder got. Users will need to use two tablespoons of the gel each day, and the number of servings is the same number of ounces of each bottle.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
Almost all of the bottles start at $35.99 for an 8-ounce container, though users can also purchase 16oz or 32oz containers. While users can buy the Raw bottle for $30.99, the other flavors include pineapple, strawberry banana, strawberry, mango, elderberry, dragon fruit, soursop, and goji berry.
The Sea Moss Capsules are ideal for anyone who doesn’t want the gel’s flavor or consistency but still wants the benefits. They are also an excellent option for consumers who may not want to refrigerate their product, providing them with a 30-day supply with a 2-year shelf life. Users will need two capsules daily to get the support.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
To get a 30-day supply of the capsules, the total cost is $27.99.
The Raw Sea Moss comes straight from the ocean farm at the Transformation Factory with no process. Users can check out the official website for recipes they can make with this remedy, including the instructions for a Vegan Chocolate Milkshake, Vegan Sea Moss Pancakes, and a Green Sea Moss Spinach Smoothie.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t
To get a bag of raw Irish sea moss, the total cost is $14.99.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t