
Museum gets makeover<\/b><\/p>\n

The Kent Historical Museum will remain open as it gets a new coat of paint this month.<\/p>\n

Scaffolding is set around the entire exterior of the museum eliminating wheelchair access and limiting entry to patrons with severe disabilities. At this time, the scaffolding is scheduled to remain through July 18.<\/p>\n

The museum is open during regular business hours, 12-4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Call 253-854-4330 for more information.<\/p>\n

Kent Fire offers CPR classes July 12<\/b><\/p>\n

The Kent Fire Department will offer adult first aid and CPR classes July 12 at Fire Station No. 73, 26512 Military Road S.<\/p>\n

A heart-saver certification course and CPR course run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $25. A combined adult CPR and first-aid class runs from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.. The cost is $45.<\/p>\n

The deadline to register is July 9. For more information, call the fire department at 253-856-4300 or go to www.ci.kent.wa.us\/fire.<\/p>\n

Kent Animal Shelter extends hours<\/b><\/p>\n

New extended operating hours have begun at the King County Kent Animal Shelter, 21615 64th Ave. S.<\/p>\n

The shelter will be open 3 to 7 p.m. Monday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.<\/p>\n

Under the old schedule, the shelter was closed on Sunday.<\/p>\n

For more information, go to www.kingcounty.gov\/pets or call the Kent Animal Shelter at 206-296-7387.<\/p>\n

Kent residents wanted for play<\/b><\/p>\n

Theater simple invites Kent community members to join in an immersive performance of \u201cGerda\u2019s Journey\u201d Aug. 21 at Lake Meridian Park, 14800 S.E. 272nd St., Kent.<\/p>\n

\u201cGerda\u2019s Journey\u201d is an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen\u2019s tale \u201cThe Snow Queen.\u201d It tells the story of a girl named Gerda, and her quest to find her lost friend, Kai.<\/p>\n

In this strolling production, the audience will follow along with Gerda and the other characters as the play moves through the park.<\/p>\n

The Seattle-based theater company is looking for local residents interested in volunteering as actors, audience guides and behind-the-scenes crew. Acting experience is helpful, but not required.<\/p>\n

Participants must be available for evening rehearsals Aug. 16, 19 and 20, as well as from 4 to 9:30 p.m. on the performance date, Aug. 21.<\/p>\n

For more information about theater simple and volunteer opportunities, call 206\u2010407\u20105913, e-mail gerdasjourney@gmail.com or visit www.theatersimple.org.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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