On Sunday, September 1, 2019, Carl Kenneth “Ken” Johnson, loving husband and father of two children, passed away at age 93. Ken was born on August 18, 1926, in Spokane, Washington to Carl T. and Ruth K. (Stoller) Johnson. On July 11, 1949, he married Ruth T. Schleer. They raised a son, Gene, and a daughter, Karen.
Ken served in the Navy on the escort carrier USS Marcus Island (CVE-77) from 1943 to 1946. He saw action at many of the landings in the Pacific, including Leyte Gulf, the Battle at Samar, and at Okinawa.
Ken worked for the Union Pacific Railroad for over 45 years as a carman and car foreman. After retiring in 1988, he enjoyed spending time with his grandsons, Kyle and Eric. He was a passionate fan of the Seattle Seahawks and Mariners.
Ken was preceded in death by his parents, his brothers Don and Royal, and his sisters Bernice and Dorothy. He is survived by his wife Ruth, his two children, Gene and Karen, his grandsons, Kyle and Eric, his sisters, Lila and Lois, and several nieces and nephews. His remains were placed at Forest Lawn Funeral Home in West Seattle on September 21.
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