A Washington State Patrol trooper sustained minor injuries after his car collided with another vehicle at about 10 p.m. Dec. 29 along Highway 167 near the Central Avenue exit in Kent.
The 32-year-old trooper was northbound in the Highway 167 high occupancy vehicle lane to respond to another wreck when the driver of a 2008 Chevrolet Aveo lost control on an icy roadway and the vehicles collided.
The driver of the Aveo, a 49-year-old Renton man, suffered serious injuries, according to the State Patrol. Both men were treated at Valley Medical Center in Renton. The trooper was released with minor injuries, according to an e-mail from State Patrol spokeswoman Julie Startup.
The cause of the accident remains under investigation but speed too fast for road conditions was a definite factor, according to the State Patrol.
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