Looking for a safe, dry place to walk in the winter? Then try out the ShoWare Center in Kent.
ShoWalk, presented by Kent4Health and ShoWare Center, offers a free walking opportunity from 9-11 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday through April 25 at the arena, 625 W. James St. The walks begin Monday, Nov. 14.
“There’s a full loop on the upper level for walkers and a horseshoe on the lower level for those with strollers or walking aids,” said Pam Clark, Kent4Health coordinator. “There are also stairs for those interested in getting additional cardio or working their glutes.”
Other features include an area to stretch, warm up and cool down; and free blood pressure and sugar screenings on the second Monday of each month provided by Valley Medical Center.
While there is no charge to participate, for planning purposes registration is appreciated at Kent4Health.com or at the door on walk days. More information is available at Kent4Health.com or by calling 253-856-4968.
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