I believe I heard/saw the Democratic legislators and Governor Gregoire tell us they had “cut” the budget as much as possible, sparing the “vulnerable” among us, before raising $800,000,000 in new taxes. I also heard from the governor that we are in a fiscal crisis. Therefore, why in the new budget did spending increase over the 2007-2009 budget by $1.3 billion? And, according to the article on page 15 in the April 23, 2010, Kent Reporter, “Orwall happy with passage of Washington Works Housing Act,” why was there $25 million “seed money for a new state program” “approved by the House and Senate just hours before the close of the 2010 legislative session”? I submit that the current legislators have shown us that they wantonly spend our money on their projects, no matter what the state financial picture.
The Tea Party participants cry of “No New Taxes,” is really just an attempt to stop legislators from spending wantonly!
Please vote the spenders out of office so this state can afford to provide the truly essential governmental functions as opposed to legislators’ pet charities and projects best left to the private sectors.
Dr. Donald Kelts
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