I am very, very troubled by the headline, "Deputy questions Kent's role in probe," to a Jan. 23 article in the Kent Reporter.
Of all the issues facing this country today, the new Republican Congress has decided that the most important one to start with was the (Keystone) XL Pipeline.
Prior to the November ballot measure that asked for approval of a bond issue to fund a new police station, I submitted a letter to the editor, wherein I cautioned against such an extravagance and suggested the city research other options.
I saw the KING 5 report on "catch and release" policy about to be implemented by King County (jails) in the near future.
I want to thank all the people who took time to decorate their homes and yards with the outstanding Christmas displays. It shows Christmas is still alive in America.
The Kent Municipal Court handles about 2,800 cases per year of people who cannot afford public defenders and whose costs are covered by the city.
At the request of the City Council's Public Works Committee, City Public Works Director Tim LaPorte distributed the project list to the Kent Chamber of Commerce prior to approval.
Our community never ceases to amaze me. It was my honor and privilege to host and organize Kent's first Shop With a Cop event this holiday season.
Our property taxes are increasing faster than inflation without a rate increase because of ever-increasing tax valuations.
Increase property taxes. Increase sales taxes. Rendering to Caesar makes for energetic responses.
I oppose the rise in property taxes proposed by the Kent City Council to balance the city's budget for the following reasons:
In a city that houses the fourth largest manufacturing complex in the United States, our Kent City Council would have us all believe that it's the garbage trucks that are ravaging our roads – and not the overwhelming number of huge, lumbering 16- and 18-wheelers used by the Valley's businesses.
I read a disturbing article about Kent officials closing down a service run by Sharon Carter since 2008 that feeds 3.000 hungry residents per month for no other reason than too much traffic in the neighborhood.
Radio stations are a great means of passing information.
I would like to nominate letter writer Paul Nickelson to a citizens advisory position to help the city planners with a new proposal for a police building.
While I found the recent article about Mayor Suzette Cooke's condo dispute to be in poor taste due to the personal nature of the story, I understand the reality that our elected officials are subject to public scrutiny.
I received a response from a City Councilmember who wanted to correct me on some of my points about the financial bottomless pit that is the ShoWare Center.
I read in the Kent Reporter that Mayor Cooke desires a raise of $31,000 to approximately $133,000 a year.
I agree with Suzette Cooke that $101,000 a year is not suitable for the position of mayor. In fact, I think $150K would be acceptable for the position.
I agree with the writer last week that our police need a modern and usable facility, but the costs per square foot are completely out of line with reality.