Seattle secures second wild-card playoff spot in Western Conference race
The Ninth Annual Kent Place Event, featuring nationally known magician Brian Ledbetter, is Thursday, March 29, from 4 to 8 p.m., at the Kent Senior… Continue reading
Kent’s West Coast Self-Storage, at 1407 Central Ave., has signed on as a U-Haul neighborhood dealer to serve the community, U-Haul Company of Washington announced.… Continue reading
The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys has recognized the performance of Keith Hall, of Kent’s Newton & Hall, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, as Two… Continue reading
Pablo arrives to be a part of Palm Sunday’s festivities at Kent United Methodist Church
Performances set for Green River College
Residents of The Inn at Arbor Village joined the National Student Walkout on Wednesday morning by walked 17 minutes on the Kent campus to support… Continue reading
Free events, celebration of winners coming in April at Highline College
For the Reporter Drivers who use the southbound Interstate 405 ramp to southbound State Route 167/Rainier Avenue South should prepare for a new configuration starting… Continue reading
Meeting set for 10 a.m. at Auburn Aerospace Machinists Union Hall
President Trump quickly accepted Kim Jong Un’s invitation. Preparations are now underway for a meeting between Trump and Kim before the end of May, on… Continue reading
National concerns about public safety, such as the Parkland, Fla., occurrence, simply remind us that we are responsible for supporting our own local institutions. Proposition… Continue reading
Area high school students to compete Saturday and Sunday
Teaches algebra, calculus
Isaac Sotelo, a senior at Kentwood High School, was selected as a youth to represent Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) and the Ninth Congressional District in… Continue reading
In an effort to convince enough Americans to vote against their own vital interests, Republicans have co-opted much of our political vocabulary, and the distortions… Continue reading
The president’s braggadocious blustering, trivializing the horrifying shootings at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, “I really believe I’d run in there even if I… Continue reading
Communities In Schools of Kent (CISK) has joined Duke’s Chowder House for a fundraiser Thursday, Mach 15. Fifty percent of the increase in sales from… Continue reading
Jurisdictions, including Kent, can ban marijuana sales under state law