Events, entertainment listings
King County Treasury to send bills Feb. 14
10-week course starts March 25
March 5 at new headquarters
Nearly 90% of all local capital and operating levies are passing
Feb. 23 at Green River Colllege in Auburn
Closure for utility work for new roundabout
While in Florida for Toronto Blue Jays spring training camp
Feb. 20 event replaces Coffee with the Chief
‘Allowing for open carry does not contribute to a safe, welcoming public atmosphere’
Tips about what parents can do
Government assistance programs
Applications open in February for housing vouchers
Other streets back open Feb. 11
Drivers to be redirected to Redondo Heights Park-and-Ride
2020 WA Legislature
Law shifts a portion of the tax burden to large tech companies.
Constantine responds to claims of unlawful, unconstitutional restrictions on use of Boeing Field
79 percent of eligible middle school students signed-up for College Bound Scholarships
Kent concertgoers can take train Friday, Feb. 14
Comcast has opened a new Xfinity Branded Partner store in Kent to meet the growing needs of its local customers. Located in the Canyon Ridge… Continue reading
How concerned are you about the coronavirus reaching your area?… Continue reading