Parks maintenance driver told police he didn’t know he hit anybody
Price dispute slowed purchase of parcels near Naden properties
Feb. 2 crash after pursuit along South 212th Street that started at Safeway
Facility projected to make small profit in 2019
Up East Hill from new Highway 167 overpass
Four officers, K-9 unit took man into custody
Land needed for Green River levee expansion
Goal to attract more businesses, travelers to town
New signs to go up in August
Lands in thorns along bank
Arena has second lowest loss in 10 years
Members continue fight against light rail yard at Dick’s Drive-In, Lowe’s site
Agency’s Facebook page post about incident receives complaints, praise
Dick’s Drive-In property on Kent’s West Hill under consideration
$6.6 million needed to complete project
Annual salary for rookie officer at $68,520
Higher premium, deductible for worker comp coverage
Police Blotter
Man later leaves house without gun
North industrial valley streets; downtown already done
New restrooms, showers, office to be ready this summer